JUST KIDDING. Nobody uses myspace.
Ofmg but we has the Twitters and teh Facebook.
In all honesty i dont give a flying fluff about either of these things. I just wanted to make a front page post and I'm justifying it by posting links so my fellow goats dont get mad.
P.S. does our little logo look like a goat to you? A while back in some ng chat on skype someone asked if I was in the goat club. I was like "omg whats the goat club? I wanna bee in the goat cluuub :(" and they were all like "dat logo looks like a goat skull" and i was like "yeah, kinda."
It's suppoooossseedd to be a draagon skull. What do you think, newgrounds? Should we change our name to Symphony of Goats? I'm all for it, personally.
I always thought the logo looked like the skeleton of an eel